Positive Lending Solutions Pty Ltd ABN 56 756 881 314 is a licensed provider of credit assistance under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009. Australian Credit Licence Number 518 444.

This Credit Guide contains information to help you in deciding whether to engage Positive Lending Solutions and its related entities Positive Lending Solutions Pty Ltd, to provide you with Credit Assistance.

Services we provide

We provide assistance with obtaining secured and unsecured finance via our panel of accredited financiers. We refer to this as providing credit assistance.

Financiers we use

We assess the needs of every client on an individual basis. From our large panel, below is the top 6 lenders whose products are commonly most suitable for our clients:

  • Pepper
  • Finance 1
  • Money 3
  • Liberty
  • Macquarie
  • Latitude
  • Our credit assistance obligations

    We are required by law to ensure that any credit product with which we assist you can be deemed “not unsuitable” for you. To help us determine a credit is not unsuitable we must make an assessment that :

  • You can meet your financial obligations under the credit contract we provide credit assistance in obtaining without substantial hardship
  • The credit meets your requirements and objectives.
  • To help us make this assessment we will

  • Make inquiries about your financial situation and requirements and objectives that we believe are relevant to the credit you are applying for; and
  • Take reasonable steps to verify your financial information, including collecting evidence; and
  • Use this information to determine whether the credit is not unsuitable for you.
  • Once we have completed our assessment, we will then use our broking expertise to find a product from our panel of financiers that meets your stated requirements and objectives.

    If we provide you with credit assistance, you can request a copy of this Preliminary Assessment on how we determined that any credit contract we assisted you with was not unsuitable for you. You may request this report up to 7 years after we provided you with this assistance. We will provide a copy of the assessment within 7 business days if we provided the assistance less than 2 years from your request. Otherwise, we will provide the copy within 21 business days.


    Positive Lending Solutions and/or its employees, or Directors, or its related entities, may receive commissions from a credit provider where we have provided credit assistance to the applicant. These commissions are not fees payable by you.

    This commission may at times be passed on in full, or in part, to our related entities.

    In certain cases, some lenders may also provide additional

    incentives to Positive Lending Solutions. These incentives may be in the form of volume bonuses, conferences, training and marketing allowances, or other forms of incentives. The possible incentives are not ascertainable at this time.

    For more information relating to how the commission is calculated, including a reasonable estimate of commission payable, please ask us. Full details will also be provided in the Credit Proposal Disclosure Document we provide if we submit a loan application to a financier on your behalf.

    Referral Fees

    Where reasonable and practical we will collect your personal information directly from you via our websites, apps or telephone. We may also collect your personal information from finance brokers and other people such as accountants and lawyers.

    Conflict of Interest

    While we have other services in our business that would benefit our clients, you are under no obligation to use these services.

    What if you are not happy with our service?

    At Positive Group, we always work hard to build strong and lasting relationships with our valued customers. By listening to your feedback, not only can we address any immediate concerns you may have, we will also continually improve our products and services.

    If at any time you feel we have not met your expectations, or you have a complaint about our service, please contact us and speak to a manager so we can work towards a fair resolution.

    If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, you may formally lodge your complaint with a complaints officer in our Internal Dispute Resolution Team. We have three ways you can contact our complaints officers:

  • Telephone: 1300 769 416; or
  • Email: complaints@positivelendingsolutions.com.au; or
  • Mail: Attn Positive Lending Solutions Client Services Level 1A 262 Marion Road, Netley SA 5037
  • If you choose to contact us by mail or email, please make sure you provide as much detail as possible about your complaint.

    We will try to deal with your complaint on the spot. However, if this is not possible, we will write to you to acknowledge your complaint within 5 business days. We will ensure we treat you fairly and will work to resolve your complaint as soon as possible. In the rare event we are still investigating your complaint after 45 days we will write to you to explain why and to let you know when we expect to have completed our investigation.

    When we have completed our investigation we will write to let you know the outcome and the reasons for our decision.

    Taking it further:

    We hope that you will be satisfied with how we deal with your complaint. However, if your concerns remain unresolved, or you have not heard from us within 45 days, then you can lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial

    Complaints Authority, or AFCA. AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolutions that are free to consumers. AFCA can be contacted by:

  • Telephone: 1800 931 678
  • Online: www.afca.org.au
  • Email: info@afca.org.au
  • Mail: PO Box 3, Melbourne, VIC, 3001
  • Credit Quote:

    Before we provide you with credit assistance, we must provide you with a Credit Quote. This quote details the fee that may be payable by you, to us, in return for the credit assistance we have provided.

    The maximum fee we will charge for providing credit assistance is $8,000 inclusive of GST. In most cases, the fee will be included in the finance amount of your loan and will be shown on the loan contract, unless you instruct us otherwise. This fee is only payable once per credit contract where we have provided credit assistance. In the event your loan application is declined, or you choose not to accept an approval offer, the fee is not payable. Before you accept and sign any loan contract, the exact amount of the fee applicable to the assistance we have provided will be fully disclosed. If you have any questions relating to this fee, please ask.